Fort lauderdale 10/16/2010 1:45:00 AM
News / Law

Social Security Sees No Hike

For the second year running, this country has seen no cost of living hike in Social Security. This has burdened only a few people, after all, money does not grow on trees. There are many laws and provisions in the country like social security, worker’s compensation, and disability insurance that are created so as to ensure that most people have everything they need to survive in the country without having to resort to dire means like living on the streets or stealing. But the government cannot take care of everyone, Americans should have saved some of their own money since Social Security is just a safety net, it is not enough for most people to live on. It was not designed that way; it is unfeasible to expect it to be.

Proof is Necessary

In another segment of the law, while you may have insurance and the like in place, you can also go ahead and sue a company or a person if you and the accident lawyer can prove that they had something to do with your accident. In cases like a car, auto, or truck accident, while you may be covered with car and personal injury insurance, you may be able to sue the individual in the car crash with you. This is possible only if your accident lawyer can prove that the person was directly responsible for the carnage caused and to the vehicular damage you have sustained.

The Clock is Ticking

An accident lawyer needs to be hired as soon as possible to ensure that your case does not fall short of the statute of limitations in the state in which the accident occurred. If that happens and certain petitions are not filed, then depending on the severity of the damage caused, your lawsuit might lose some steam. A good accident attorney can ensure that you get the best possible compensation in terms of damages to your vehicle as well as your person.

Some Things Must Change

There are no substitutes to a calm, collective, and highly experienced accident lawyer because more often than not, the laws are different in each state and only someone well versed with the loopholes of the laws of the land will be able to ensure that you don’t get swindled and short changed. American laws are meant to be used by consumers and citizens for their betterment, which is not the case when one generation is taking far too much from another. People screeching into accidents will not change, but the age when people begin receiving social security checks needs to.