Fort Lauderdale 10/16/2010 2:26:47 AM
News / Law

Obama Sidesteps Issues at MTV Interview

While alcohol flushes out of the system within a period of 24 hours, any kind of drug that you may have ingested can stay in your blood stream for over a week. In a case like this, if you are caught driving under the influence of drugs, it sometimes becomes difficult for the authorities to tag you on the case.

Priorities Misconstrued

The Obama administration has been known for the strong views and stands that are taken about such issues, to the detriment of this country. He is a true ideologue. This is why a recent interview on MTV which saw President Obama sidestepping issues like California’s marijuana laws that were just sanctioned by their governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Arizona case of disputed use of federal laws and policies in terms of immigration were so strange to see.

Lock Your Mouth and Throw Away the Key

DUI charges are easier to prove when the intoxication alleged is alcohol because there are tests like the breath analyzer and other blood alcohol level testing that needs to be done. If you happen to get caught while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or even a combination of both, the best thing to do is stay mum so that you don’t incriminate yourself more than you might already have.

A Formidable Ally

Hire a DUI lawyer at the earliest. A DUI case is the kind of case that requires a lawyer’s attention as soon as possible. There are some states that have a statute of limitations in place that gives you just about 7 days before your car is impounded, your license is suspended or even worse revoked and you are called to a hearing before a judge. A DUI attorney will ensure that the best case scenario is upheld. As much as possible, a DUI lawyer will work toward the case and arrest not being entered into your records.

First Pick

DUI attorneys don’t come cheap. While hiring one of them, weigh the pros and cons of a particular person and case. There is no substitute to experience in practice in the field of strategic requirements for a DUI lawyer, perhaps only work ethic. Unlike our current president, make sure they have an inkling of common sense as well. Make the best choice of a DUI attorney, your life might depend on it.