Los Angeles 10/18/2010 9:21:59 PM
News / People

Paul Refused To Shake Conway’s Hand

The Kentucky candidates for Senate got personal, and huffy, at a debate filled with unashamed attacks on Sunday. After the debate concluded, an upset Republican candidate Rand Paul refused to shake the hand of his rival Democrat Jack Conway, instead just pushing past his opponent, who had raised questions over Paul’s religious convictions.

Paul asked his rival "Jack, have you no decency? Have you no shame?" when the issue over a TV ad run by Conway was raised during the debate. The ad accuses Paul of worshipping a god called ‘Aqua Buddha’ and belonging to a secret brotherhood which mocks Christians. The ad further accuses him of having tied a woman up while he was in college and forcing her to bow to his god ‘Aqua Buddha’.

The ad got its information from an article published in GQ magazine which details Paul’s college years. Paul is a self-described “pro-life Christian” who says that the ad has dragged the campaign down “into the gutter” but he refused to answer his rival when he repeatedly asked why Paul had joined the NoZe Brotherhood in college.

Paul, who is making his debut in a bid for public office, instead told his opponent, the state’s attorney general, that people could tell when he was lying, because his lips were moving.

The nasty debate said little about the two rival’s plans for Kentucky, as the issue of the ad didn’t seem to dissipate. This is the latest in a string of election campaigns which have gotten very personal.