Lansing 10/18/2010 11:21:00 PM
News / Law

The Alimony Situation in Michigan

Are you paying or receiving spousal support or alimony? Are you or your ex spouse cohabiting with his or her lover? If this is the case then the termination of alimony or spousal support because of cohabitation might pose a problem for you.


Most of the judgments given during the divorce with the award of alimony will include a clause that will terminate the spousal support in case the payee begins to cohabit with another person.

3 Factors

If your verdict for divorce includes the terms about cohabitation and does not provide a definition of the term, then in Michigan, a family court will base its decision on three factors.

·         The court will take into account the living arrangements followed by the couple and the degree to which they are sharing a common living space. The family court will also concentrate on things like whether or not they store their personal items like toiletries and clothes together and if they do for how long. Contact your alimony attorney Michigan to know more in this regard.

·         The court will also look into the nature of relationship of the couple to determine whether it looks permanent relatively. This will be done by advocating whether the couple is sexually active and whether they spend the weekends or vacations together. In addition, things like whether the couple is planning to be married, will be taken into account.

·         The court will finally take into consideration the financial status of the couple. Whether the couple divide their expenses or one of you pays the entire expenses will be scrutinized by the court.

Special Circumstances

Sometimes, even keeping these factors as a reference, the court might decide whether or not to terminate the alimony by looking into the uniqueness of each case.

Alimony 2.0

If you are caught up in a situation where cohabitation creates a problem in alimony, you need to contact an alimony attorney Michigan. Only an experienced alimony attorney Michigan can solve your issue entirely. Make sure you choose someone who has experience handling similar cases and not just any divorce lawyer. Because not all divorce attorneys are experts in this realm.