Washington 10/19/2010 12:06:19 AM
News / Law

Chandra Levy Murder Trial to Begin

The Chandra Levy murder trial is all set to begin finally. The disappearance and subsequent murder of this simple Washington intern has taken the world by storm, repeatedly. An immigrant from El Salvador stands for trial today and is charged with her murder. Before he was caught and charged though, the man in the eye of the storm was undoubtedly Gary Condit, the then 52 year old California Congressman. He and Levy were touted to having an affair that would burn the pages of any book.

Toss It All Away

The son of a preacher, a powerful politician, and above all this a married man, Gary Condit seemed to have had it all going for him. The affair was made public and divorce was on the cards for Condit.

A Professional Weapon

A divorce like this wouldn’t come easy though. Being a popular politician and a celebrity in the eye of the media, a public debacle was sure to follow such a high profile divorce case and the associated divorce lawyers. The most important thing while hiring a divorce attorney is to ensure that the attorney is experienced with the kind of case that he or she now needs to deal with. A good divorce attorney maintains a low profile and is careful of the sound bytes that they will give the press if the case is high profile, keeping in mind the reputation of the clients.

Another Immigrant at Fault

The Levy murder case has taken 9 years to come to trial. One can only hope that she gets some justice.