Los Angeles 10/19/2010 12:21:03 AM
News / Law

Bieber Being Investigated On Laser Tag Charges

When you are a celebrity, everything you do or don’t do becomes a matter of international news! Justine Bieber is undoubtedly a teenage sensation whom the masses love to hate for some reason or the other. Being a celebrity kid has never been easy. Bieber is now under investigation for having hurt a 12 year old while playing laser tag in his native country Canada. The kid in question was not hurt badly or even bruised, but 16 year old Justin Bieber is probably paying the price for his fame and fortune.

Foolish Once, Don’t be Foolish Twice – Make the Call

Some celebrity kids however, richly deserve the treatment meted out to them. Being caught with a DUI is not a small crime and many lives have been lost at the hands of people who choose to have a drink and slide behind the wheel while intoxicated. If you have been caught DUI, there is not much you can do except stay mum, don’t incriminate yourself any further, and hire a DUI lawyer at the outset.


Only an experienced DUI attorney will be able to save your license from being suspended or worse, revoked altogether. You will also need the expertise of a DUI attorney to pretty much save your life if the matter goes to trial in the court of law. The DUI lawyer may try to prove a reasonable doubt pertaining to the procedures completed by the police on duty or through some other aspect of the law so as to ensure that you process though with minor charges being linked to your name.