Los Angeles 10/19/2010 6:52:39 PM
News / Law

Lurid murder trial of Canadian military commander

The courtroom remained pin drop silent as the charges against David Russell Williams were read out. For the last 23 years he had been a model military man who commanded one of Canada’s most important military bases. He had piloted prime minister and governor general in the past. This shining bright star of the military came crashing down as he was arrested for the murder of Jessica Lloyd in February. In custody, he also confessed to the murder of Marie-France Comeau, a 37-year-old corporal found dead last November. He also confessed to sexual assault of two women and a string of fetish related break in and theft. His started breaking into houses in late 2007 and quickly escalated to sexual assault and eventually to rape and murder. From each of the houses he broke into, he stole undergarments and other personal items after photographing himself in them. He took several pictures of the two assault victims and murder victims also. In a search of his Ottawa house, police discovered the stolen items and photographs meticulously catalogued.  Williams was also found to have pedophile tendencies as he stole underwear from very young girls in the 82 fetish related break ins he has confessed to.

The lurid photographs the prosecutors displayed and description of several others left the victims’ families gasping and disgusted by the depravity it revealed. Throughout the court proceedings Williams stood with bowed head as if he wished to hide himself and looked up only as the photographs he took were displayed to the public. The relatives of the victims were warned at the onset of the court proceedings that the day would reveal extremely disturbing facts.

Meanwhile, the military has started the month long procedure to strip Williams of his rank and medals.