Los Angeles 10/20/2010 3:53:57 AM
News / Law

Junior Seau drives Off Cliff

Former NFL linebacker player Junior Seau drove over a cliff in California early Monday morning. The 20 year football veteran claims he was not trying to kill himself but instead fell asleep at the wheel after an arrest for domestic violence. His girlfriend made the allegations and the police were called.   He suffered no serious injuries and was conscious when paramedics arrived.  He also insists no drugs or alcohol were involved in his accident and police confirm this fact.  He was detained then released on bail but charges for domestic violence are pending.

Domestic Violence and Alcohol Use

Domestic violence occurs at an average rate of 25% after consuming alcohol.  Because alcohol decreases inhibitions the tendency to get violent towards strangers and partners can be increased. When tempers flare one has the tendency to fight or flee.  If you stay and fight the repercussions could be harsh if someone is harmed and will result in arrest. If your judgment is impaired by increased emotional tension and alcohol you may decide to leave after you have been drinking.

Leaving the Situation

 Equally as severe as a domestic violence arrest would be driving while intoxicated which could also cause injury to another. If you harm another while driving drunk only a DUI lawyer can help you avoid the horrible consequences and exorbitant medical costs. Getting a DUI causes a plethora problems many worse than the dispute that caused the need to escape an uncomfortable domestic situation. The only way to avoid the severe disruption to your life is to contact a DUI lawyer.  Only the counsel of a DUI lawyer can allow you to keep your freedom and license.