Denver, CO 9/8/2008 5:08:03 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Warns Proton Pump Inhibitor Patients of Potential Bone Fracture Risk Associated with Drug

LegalView, the number one resource for everything and anything legal on the Internet, recently alerted patients taking proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs of the potential for serious bone fracture risks associated with taking the medication. A study published in a recent issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that patients using PPIs for continued use (5 to 7 years or more) are at an increased risk of developing hip, spinal or wrist fractures. According to the study, patients at the most risk include those of 50 years of age or older.

Individuals who are currently prescribed to any of the
proton pump inhibitors such as pantoprazole, rabeprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole and omeprazole are encouraged to contact an experienced pharmaceutical lawyer to better understand how to develop a potential PPI lawsuit. Several of the PPIs are more commonly known under their brand names including Losec, Prilosec, Inhibitol, Somac, Protonix, Pantoloc, Rabecid and Aciphex.

PPIs are used to inhibit gastric secretion entering the stomach. A pump within the stomach that funnels gastric acids is stopped when taking PPIs. These drugs treat an array of conditions including peptic ulcer disease (PUD), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), prevention of stress gastritis, gastrinomas, dyspepsia, etc. However, the drugs may also stop the absorption of calcium while stopping the secretion of gastric acids thus causing bone fractures. The
PPI side effects also include headache, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, abdominal pain, dizziness and fatigue. To learn more about how proton pump inhibitors work and who is at risk for the drug's side effects, visit

LegalView also offers details on other legal topics and offers readers a library of information portals relating to several controversial pharmaceutical drugs/products such as Avandia, Ketek and the Zimmer Durom cups.

Avandia is a type 2 diabetes drug that has continued to find its way into news headlines over the drug's side effects. Several studies have concluded that the
Avandia risks may cause serious complications for patients. The drug has been linked to early on-set osteoporosis, increased risk of bone fracture, heart failure and unstable angina. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to issue a recall or increase the drug's warnings, but individuals who show any signs or symptoms of the drug's risk should seek medical attention immediately.

Since 2004, Ketek has been prescribed to patients suffering from upper respiratory infections. The antibiotic from Sanofi-Aventis was recently under fire as reports of the drug's adverse effects began to surface. The FDA has been investigating accounts of liver disease and liver failure developing among Ketek patients. Additionally, patients of the antibiotic showing any signs of the
Ketek side effects, which include yellowing or jaundice of the skin, are advised to discontinue use of the drug and consult a physician.

The Durom cup is an artificial hip socket component used in hip replacement surgeries. The company manufacturing the cup, Zimmer Holdings, has been selling the hip component since 2006. Within that time, the artificial hip socket has had nearly 12,000 Durom cups surgically implanted into patients across the country. However, physicians recently began to complain that the hip socket was failing in many patients. Since reports of the
Zimmer Durom cup failure have began the company has halted production of additional Durom cups, however, no recall has been issued.

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