Washington 10/20/2010 9:48:26 PM
News / Law

Laws in the UAE Seem to Condone Wife Beating

Laws and rules are what govern modern civilized society. As such, there are different laws followed in different countries. What may be acceptable to a certain cultures and societies may be entirely unacceptable and barbaric in another. A great example of this has recently been displayed by a high court in UAE that stated that a man has the moral right to beat his wife and children if he was unsuccessful in admonishing them, as long as there are no bruises, contusions, or lacerations left on the bodies of his family members. While this Sharia law might be acceptable in the UAE, the U.S. would never stand for something like this.

Huge Differences

Immigrants from countries like the UAE have to follow U.S. laws and rules. When applying for an investor visa, it is best to get all these doubts cleared by an investor visa lawyer. The investor visa lawyer can guide you through the application process and ensure that it does not get rejected. You can also direct any and all questions about the culture and laws of the land to the immigration attorney who will try his or her best to make things clear for you.

Fitting In

The laws of every land differ but as the famous proverb states, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Similarly, learn from all available sources like books, media, and your immigration attorney as to what is acceptable and what isn’t in the country lest you fall into trouble after your immigration.