Phoenix 10/20/2010 9:57:09 PM
News / Law

Policeman Shot At in Phoenix

Being a police officer is not easy. They put their lives on the line time and again when they step out of the house with their badges and head held high. The family of a police officer never knows if they will see their loved one again.


A police man was just shot and grievously wounded in Phoenix, Arizona. There were signs of an imminent struggle but no evidence has been leaked to the media as yet. The police are well known for protecting one of their own and the community hopes to see results in the case soon.

Do Not Make it Worse

There are many reasons why this might have happened. One reason could be a drug deal gone awry. Another cause one can speculate on is a hit-and run driver might have been nabbed while trying to escape from the scene and finding himself cornered by the law, he might have reacted in an adverse manner. While murders have been known to happen for pathetic reasons, in cases like these, you should stop the vehicle, file a report, accept the police report, and hire an accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Accept Your Responsibilities

Hiring an accident lawyer will ensure that you don’t get stuck in any lawsuit that could have been avoided. Shooting at a police officer is the worst thing that you can do. The best options are being armed with an accident attorney, not an automatic weapon for instance, and taking it as it comes.

The Death Penalty

When the person is caught now, he will face charges of assaulting a policeman.