Calgary 10/20/2010 10:05:04 PM
News / Law

Calgary’s First Muslim Mayor Nauheed Nenshi

Calgary has something or rather someone to cheer for as it welcomes its first ever Muslim mayor Nauheed Nenshi to the seat of command. Nenshi is known to have some great political views and has managed to cover the distance between himself and the other hopeful candidate in record time. It will be nice to hear Nenshi’s view about other major issues that are plaguing the land on a whole. While giving his acceptance speech, Nauheed Nenshi seemed very hopeful of a successful tenure as a mayor in Calgary.

Omnipresent DUIs

One issue that he is yet to clearly state his views on is the issue of drunk driving. Like the rest of the world, Calgary sees DUI cases almost every day. While the most prudent bit of advice is to not submit to drunk driving or buzz driving, if one is caught up in such a situation, the best thing to do would be to hire a DUI lawyer immediately. The statute of limitations in hiring a DUI attorney differs for different countries and the states therein. A DUI attorney might be expensive to hire but in the long run, when the other options are an impounded vehicle, community service, an arrest record, and even a prison sentence, a DUI lawyer seems to be the most preferable option.

Type of Religion Does not Matter

Nenshi has the expectations of millions of residents to live up to. Calgary hopes that this mayor has clear cut views about important issues and is able to deliver on all issues better than his predecessor.