Madison 10/21/2010 11:57:34 PM
News / Law

Remington Trigger Targeted

Remington Arms hunting rifle series 700 has been alleged to be unsafe. The company’s best-selling rifle has been the target of a recent controversy. Defendants claim the rifle can fire without the trigger being pulled.  The “Walker Trigger” was innovation added to the rifle in the 50’s which provided smooth firing at an affordable price. The trigger has been removed due to several lawsuits over the past decade. A documentary featuring defendants who were harmed by accidental firing will run on CNBC.  One defendant claims a bullet entered and exited his arm hitting a nearby tree while on a hunting trip.

The Hunt Is On

                The Remington 700 is favored by hunters because of its smooth action.  Hunters will hunt in groups and employ camouflage to disguise themselves from their prey. Unfortunately, a hunter may also hide himself from fellow hunters which could result in an accidental shooting. Also a cause of accidental shootings is the misfiring of the gun which has caused the recent controversy with the Remington 700. There are an average of 800 non-fatal shootings and 100 fatal shootings of hunters per year. Should a hunter shoot another or if is injured he may need to seek the help of an accident attorney.

Avoiding the Cost

The high costs of medical treatment or burial can be a huge burden that most cannot handle. You may not be able to pay for the consequences of an accidental shooting. You may need financial assistance if you are injured in a tragic accident. With the counsel of an accident attorney you may be able to get the legal and financial help you need.  Assistance from an accident attorney may allow you some peace of mind when you accidently injure a fellow hunter or if you are injured by a fellow hunter.