New York, NY 9/11/2008 9:33:03 PM
News / Education

Divorce Lawyer Videos Added to Lawyer Central’s Family Law Resource Center

Lawyer Central is pleased to announce the addition of new divorce law videos to its Family Law Resource Center, bringing the total number of family law legal videos to 45. Family Law involves complex socio-legal issues such as adoption, divorce, marriage, child custody, and more. Lawyer Central provides free, relevant, and useful legal information to anyone interested in learning about family law.

The divorce lawyer videos feature qualified divorce attorneys explaining all legal aspects of divorce, including child custody, child support, child visitation, alimony, mediation and arbitration, property division, assets and liabilities, and more. In a video entitled “What to Bring to Your Divorce Lawyer,” attorney Bonny Reis offers this tip: “What’s useful is to bring in things like bank account records, brokerage account records, tax returns, and one of the most valuable things is Quicken records. If someone keeps their books and pays their bills on Quicken or some program like that, it gives us in a nutshell the family’s lifestyle. It saves a lot in attorney’s fees and in accountant’s fees, and it enables us to give the judge a picture of exactly how the family lived.” Tips for parenting after divorce, spousal support and alimony information, links to divorce and child custody laws in each state, and an overview of international divorce law are additional divorce family law resources.

Lawyer Central’s family law page dedicated to the rights and treatment of children features information on child support, child custody, and guardianship, as well as five legal family law videos.  The family law page dedicated to adoption offers a glossary of adoption terms, explanations of the different types of adoption (open adoption, closed adoption, agency, private, etc.), a guide to the adoption process, parenting tips for adoptive parents, international adoption law information, state adoption laws for all fifty states, and adoption issues for same sex couples.  A legal video entitled “Choosing a Matrimonial Lawyer,” an explanation of legal marriage issues, and an overview of prenuptial agreements, common law marriage, and same sex marriage are among the marriage family law resources available.

To view Lawyer Central’s divorce law videos and to find out more about all areas of family law, visit  

If you are seeking a family law lawyer to represent your divorce, adoption, child custody, child support, marriage, or guardianship case, you can search Lawyer Central’s nationwide directory of family lawyers and find an attorney in your area. You can also complete a free family law case evaluation and receive a response from a family attorney within 24 hours.

The Lawyer Central Network is an exclusive nationwide network of attorneys highly dedicated to their unique areas of practice, including family law. Lawyer Central is emerging as the leading public relations and mixed media marketing organization for fast-growing law firms and forward-thinking attorneys. Lawyer Central membership includes a variety of media exposure ranging from practice area video filming, through interviews and complete public relations and internet relations management.