Los Angeles 10/24/2010 11:01:17 PM
News / Law

The Push to Pass Proposition 19 Has Fired Up

As Election Day approaches, there is has been a massive push in California to pass the proposition that would make marijuana legal for recreational purposes.  Musician Melissa Etheridge and actor Danny Glover spoke publicly advocating the legalization of pot. Legalization would permit individuals to possess and grow marijuana for personal use. Individuals would not be allowed to sell the drug. The proponents for the proposition believe that legalization would generate much needed revenue for the state as pot is the most commonly used illicit drug.  Marijuana was made illegal in the early 1900’s for a variety of reasons. Advocates also feel that decriminalization of pot would decrease drug related crimes and allow law enforcement to focus on bigger problems.

The Federal Government maintains that they will enforce the laws prohibiting marijuana use should Prop 19 pass. The penalties for marijuana possession vary for each state. Illegal possession can be treated as a Class A misdemeanor or as a Class C felony depending on quantity, intent and previous criminal activity. The reality is that no matter what, possession of marijuana is criminal. Individuals caught with marijuana in their possession face up to 5 years in and jail and thousands of dollars in fines.

Should a person be caught with marijuana in their possession retaining a criminal lawyer is the best defense against tough penalties. Whether the charge is a misdemeanor or a felony a dui lawyer has the expertise to help reduce sentencing and fines. Drug laws are complex and hard to understand for most. DUI lawyers are well versed in intricacies’ of our drug laws.