Sheridan, WY 82801 10/27/2010 3:09:19 AM
News / Politics

United States Patriots Union Launches Public Campaign

Constitutional conservative group opens its online doors to patriots seeking power over their government.

On September 17, 2010, two-hundred and twenty-three years after the signing of the U.S. Constitution, The United States Patriots Union, LLC opened its doors to the public in a soft launch via its web site at Today, we open our doors to the nation.

The United States Patriots Union, LLC (USPU) was formed by conservative writer J.B. Williams and SGT of Marines Timothy Harrington, with the help and support of thousands of constitutionally conservative retired veterans and concerned conservative citizen activists across the country.

USPU evolved from exploratory organization Freedom Force USA, formed in November 2009 at the request of many readers and veterans searching for unification, tangible strategies, focused initiatives and peaceful solutions to what threatens to be a violent overhaul of our nation and its form of government.

Grounded in our Constitution and conservative principles of freedom, liberty, equal justice, free market economics and fair play, the founders of USPU hope to continue bringing citizen activists together in one place, at one time, with one plan and one voice, in order to counter the loud voice of the leftist minority currently running roughshod over the Constitution and the nation.

USPU has set as its first priorities, the following six initiatives:

•    Ending labor union influence over government
•    Cleaning up a corrupt justice system
•    Taking back our political parties at the precincts
•    Protecting our nation’s defenders, our veterans
•    Confronting shoddy journalism
•    Taking care of our own through Patriots Pantry

USPU provides concerned citizens with a secure working environment where they can learn and work with others seeking to regain control of their runaway government and secure the future of freedom together via targeted tangible strategies that put the power back in the hands of the people.

USPU has been active on the ground for the last year, working behind the scenes in precincts and veterans issues while vetting all strategies in preparation for a public launch.

USPU has also launched its own online news publication at where the most vital information of the day is presented in a format which will keep readers up to speed on current events in only minutes per day.

Full membership in The United States Patriots Union is only $29.00 per year. If everyone does a little, no one will have to do it all.

For additional information, go to