Atlanta, Ga. 9/15/2008 11:09:18 PM
News / Law

Casey Anthony Accused of Lying to Police During First Interviews, Still No Sign of Caylee Anthony

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Orlando, Florida released tapes of their first interviews with Casey Anthony and in those recordings investigator’s clearly expressed their belief that the 22-year-old was lying about her knowledge of the whereabouts of her daughter, Caylee Anthony.


Case Anthony has insisted she left Caylee, then two-years-old, off with a babysitter in June and when she returned both babysitter and daughter were gone. It wasn’t until mid-July that Casey Anthony reported Caylee missing and police quickly asserted that the mother was lying to them.


During one interview an investigator is heard telling Casey, “Right now, looking at you, I know that everything that you’ve told me is a lie, including the fact that your child was last seen a month ago and that you don’t know where she is.”


Casey Anthony holds firm to her assertion that she does not know where her daughter, who turned three on Aug. 9, is.


Even early on investigators appeared to hint that Caylee may be dead, stating “She may not be the way your family last remembers her. We need to find out where Caylee is. … This has gone so far downhill and this has become such a mess that we need to end it.”


Since the initial interviews forensic evidence has pointed to Caylee’s death as air samples and DNA evidence taken from the trunk of a car driven by Casey Anthony has indicated a decomposing body.


Casey has been charged with child neglect and lying to investigators and has been named a suspect in Caylee’s disappearance. Casey remains out on bond and must remain at her parent’s Orlando home. On Thursday fraud charges were filed against her in an unrelated case involving check fraud.


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