Houston 10/29/2010 10:52:12 PM
News / Health & Wellness

DHEA Helps Bones Stay Strong

Twist 25 DHEA cream is a great new health advantage for people 35 and up because it provides DHEA the right way, as a bioidentical transdermal supplement cream.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is the most abundant base or building block in our bodies for hormones. We produce DHEA from several glands in the body and metabolize most of the DHEA we produce in the skin. Our bodies gradually make less and less DHEA after about age 25. Bioidentical transdermal DHEA supplement cream, Twist 25 is rubbed on daily to diminish many aspects of aging.

Numerous medical research studies have shown that DHEA is good for strong bones and helps reduce risks of osteoporosis.

According to medical research done by Dr Edward Weise of Saint Louis University’s Doisy College of Health Sciences, taking a DHEA supplement when calcium and vitamin D levels are maintained allows improvements in bone density. (Weise)

 In two other research studies, DHEA supplementation had positive effects on bone density for male and female study participants. (Jankowski)(Osmanagaoglu) The studies showed that DHEA helps in several different ways to increase bone mass and bone density, reducing the unpleasant effects of bone deterioration.

 Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream helps us to avoid the aches and pains that bone deterioration causes as we get older.

 Edward Weise, MD, Krupa Shah, Luigi Fontana, Charles P Lambert, John O Holloszy and Dennis Villareal. Dehydroepiandrosterone Replacement Therapy in Older Adults 1 and 2 year effect on bone.. American Journal of Nutrition. March 25, 2009: pgs 1459-1467

Osmanagaoglu MA, Okumus B, Osmanagaoglu T, Bozkaya H. The relationship between serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration and bone mineral density, lipids, and hormone replacement therapy in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. J Womens Health 13:993-9; 2004.

Catherine M. Jankowski,  Wendolyn S. Gozansky , Robert S. Schwartz, Daniel J. Dahl, John M. Kittelson,  Stephen M. Scott, Rachal E. Van Pelt, and Wendy M. Kohrt. “Effects of Dehydroepiandrosterone Replacement Therapy on Bone Mineral Density in Older Adults: A Randomized, Controlled Trial” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Vol 91, No. 8 , pgs. 2986-2993