Los Angeles 11/4/2010 9:53:32 AM
News / Law

California Sets a Precedent with Proposition 19

Among the many propositions on California’s ballots for Election Day 2010, there is Prop 19 which will legalize marijuana for recreational use. Voters in California have a plethora of different propositions to consider, most are environmental in nature. Prop 19 is controversial because it will legitimize a drug which has been illegal since prohibition. The proposed marijuana legalization would change the way Americans view drug use and how law enforcement deals with the war on drugs. Many in California’s financial sector believe the revenue generated by legalization would be positive for the state’s economy. Although many voters over 65 are strongly oppose there is the chance that the youth and entertainment vote will pass the proposition.            

The Federal government will still enforce the laws in place prohibiting the recreational use of pot. Marijuana is hallucinogenic that has positive and negative effects.  The illicit drug is notorious for increasing a sense of well-being.  Negatively affected, the drug can slow motor responses and inhibit problem solving skills making a simple task such as driving dangerous. The impaired memory can make the road hazardous. Because almost 42% of the American population uses this particular narcotic there is a high likelihood that someone will get behind the wheel of their car. The perception may be that driving under the influence of marijuana isn’t as perilous as drunk driving.

Being intoxicated by cannabis while driving is considered illegal in all states and caught a person faces serious repercussions. Nobody can help you navigate the legal hassles better than a DUI lawyer.  Maintaining your freedom is difficult facing a DUI. The employ of a DUI lawyer can aid you in keeping your freedom. The penalties and fines associated with a DUI can be excessive. Reducing your  fines and sentence can only be facilitated by DUI lawyer.