Los Angeles 11/6/2010 12:22:18 PM
News / Law

Due Date Star Lights up on TV

Hard working comic Zack Galifianakis smoked a joint on Bill Maher’s live cable talk show “Real Time” last Friday.  The controversy of his antics has been discussed all week. Smoking marijuana, an illegal drug on National Television is a bold move to make which got lots of cheers from the audience. On “The O’Reilly Factor”, Maher denied Zach had a joint but another guest Margaret Hoover is certain it was pot. No doubt Galifianakis was motivated by the appearance of the now defeated Prop 19 on California’s ballot Tuesday. Zach’s new feature film “Due Date” also starring Robert Downey Jr. opened in theaters today.          

The zany comic joins the over 40% of the American population who uses the popular illicit drug. Numerous people in the entertainment industry have long hailed the creative benefits of cannabis. Many comedians have publicly admitted using drugs. Richard Pryor and Robin Williams had heavy cocaine addictions during the height of their careers. Bill Maher and Woody Harrelson are notorious dope smokers. With so many drug users around inevitably someone will make a bad decision and drive their vehicle. Under the influence of drugs and alcohol a person is likely use poor judgment.

If you have been enjoying some laughs and intoxicants with your friends and get pulled over by the police a DUI lawyer is your best defense. A DUI is no laughing matter and in court the sentencing can be harsh. Incarceration and heavy fines are inevitable. You risk losing your license if you drive while intoxicated but a DUI lawyer can help you keep your driving privileges. Don’t let the good times be ruined by one mistake let a DUI lawyer help keep you free.