Lung cancer is the leading cause of death in the U.S. killing nearly 160,000 people a year. New medical findings have found that annual CT scans of the lungs for high risk patients can find cancers far sooner and more accurately than a chest x-ray alone. Earlier diagnosis can lead to reducing cancer mortality by as much as 20 percent.
Until this latest breakthrough, 85 percent of lung cancers are usually found at a stage too advanced for life saving treatment. Many doctors have believed for a long time that the more advanced CT scans should be the go-to testing technique for early detection and better success in treating this most lethal type of cancer. Smokers and other high risk patients should benefit from these new findings.
For someone at high risk for mesothelioma, this is exciting news. Early diagnosis is always the key to successful medical treatment. People exposed to asbestos because of work or job site may develop mesothelioma. Victims of this disease may be eligible for compensation. A lawyer specializing in mesothelioma litigation can help with this legal process. Mesothelioma victims need access to the best medical facilities, the latest breakthroughs, and cutting-edge treatments. Victims deserve to receive monetary compensation from companies who knew the dangers of asbestos exposure. A mesothelioma lawyer will start the process of filing a claim.