On November 23 in London, the British Lung Foundation (BLF), supported by the Department of Health, the National Institute for Health Research, the Medical Research Council, an the British Thorasic Society, will announce funding for reseach into asbestos-related diseases. At a workshop for medical scientists and healthcare professionals, leading international experts will explore the next step in asbestos research. There will be presentations on the epidemeology of the deseases, and the link between carbon nano-particles and occupational lung disease.
Meothelioma is an occupational lung disease. Exposure to asbestos causes this debilitating illness. There is no cure, and the outlook is grim. Patients exposed, usually, do not develop symtoms for 15 to 50 years. The BLF is a charity dedicated to providing better treatment, care and support for mesothelioma patients. They provide funding for world class research. They are looking for researchers to develop new treatment options, or even cures for mesothelioma. Care for the terminally ill, at present, is poor. Research for the victims of mesothelioma is needed to provide the best therapies to insure people do not suffer any longer.
If you are a victim of mesothelioma, you need a litigation mesothelioma lawyer to help you receive the care and support you need. A mesothelioma lawyer can guide you toward the best treatments and options for your care. These experts will litigate a financial settlement against guilty companies who knew the dangers they were exposing their workers to. Mesothelioma lawyers will negotiate a monetary reward you need and deserve to fund your care. Hopefully, in the future, care and treatments will improve through research to end the suffering of mesothelioma victims.