New York City, New York 11/12/2010 2:51:57 AM
News / Law

Former New York Mafia Boss Caught Distributing Porn in the Big House

Ex Mob Boss Caught With Porn.

He may be under lockdown 23 hours a day, but that didn't stop ex-Bonnano chief Vincent "Vinny Gorgeous" Basciano,  from getting his hands on pornography inside Brooklyn's Federal Metropolitan Detention Center aka "MDC".  Apparently, Basciano got snitched on by a jail house rat, that he was passing messages through other inmates inside MDC's law library in exchange for contraband items such as Porn, stamps and DVD's.

When Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) officers searched Basciano's cell, it's reported that a DVD and several unauthorized magazines including a copy of Esquire were found hidden under his bunk. As a sanction for violating prison rules, the Feds pulled Basciano's commissary privileges for 30 days, and moved him to the notorious "10 South" terrorist wing at the BOP's lockup in Manhattan.

Prosecutors are investigating the possibility that Basciano might be secretly communicating with the outside world, claiming that he seems to speak in code during visits with his son.

Basciano is being held under custody conditions normally reserved for terrorists after being accused of scribbling a "hit list" with the names of a judge, prosecutor and cooperating witnesses five years ago.

Federal officials continue to marvel at how Basciano's  hair is always immaculately groomed, and his skin remains mysteriously tanned suggesting other contraband violations.