Manchester 11/19/2010 4:01:25 AM
News / Law

Xbox Obsessed Man Gets Life Sentence For Brutally Beating Baby Girl Who Interrupted His Video Game

Gary Alclock, 28,  of Manchester, England, was sentenced to life in prison for the brutal beating  death his girlfriend's 15-month-old baby Violet Mullen -- for interrupting his video game playing.

"In the three weeks before her death you, Gary Alcock, subjected her to repeated violence," said Judge Clement Goldstone during the sentencing. "This was the way you chose to cope with a demanding little girl who demanded your attention and interrupted your time-consuming hobby of playing computer games."

According to London News sources,  Alcock repeatedly punched, slapped and pinched young Violet for weeks before her death in his home. On the day she died, she was found to have some 38 bruises on her body. Medical records indicated that Violet also suffered fractured ribs and brain damage, the judge said.

"You caused injuries to her brain, face, arms and legs with a combination of punches, slaps and, bordering on the sadistic, pinches," Goldstone said to Alcock.

It was a blow to Violet's stomach that ultimately killed her, the judge said, which was so powerful it tore her internal organs.

The abuse allegedly occurred with the knowledge of the baby's mother, 22-year-old Claire Flanagan, who dodged a murder charge and will spend five years in jail for causing or allowing her daughter's death.

"You could have sought medical help, you could have involved social services, you could have asked him to leave," the judge told her. "But any of those options would have put at risk your relationship, which you, at the time, priced far more highly than your relationship and love for Violet."

Flanagan denies she knew of any abuse.

"This has been a difficult year," said Paul Taylor, Violet's biological father. "I wish I got to know Violet, I wish I had that chance."