Los Angeles 9/29/2008 1:36:03 AM
News / Law

Obama Receives Endorsment From California Felon Party

California Felon Party founder Larry Jay Levine endorses Obama for President


        November 2, will soon be upon us. And at that time, you can make a difference in deciding the future of America, by registering to vote, and casting your ballot for President of the United States. While there's no question, that both candidates, Senators McCain and Obama, are highly qualified strong leaders with a great love for their country, and President Bush has done an outstanding job keeping our country safe from foreign aggression, the world is changing, and as our great nation faces critical challenges, we need to change along with it. By exercising, your precious right to vote as a felon in California, you can help decide what laws will be passed, who will govern our country, and what type of future our children and grandchildren will have in the years to come. With soaring gas prices and an uncertain economy, you have a responsibility as a citizen to vote and decide who will lead us into the next decade.

        After reviewing, the qualification of both candidates, I believe, that despite Senator McCain's experience and leadership ability, that Senators Obama and Biden, are better qualified to create national unity and lead our great country in a new direction. I therefore urge all supports of the California Felon Party, on November 2, 2008,  to cast their ballot for Senator Barack Obama, as the 44th President of  the United States.

        Remember, we're hundreds of thousands strong, with potentially millions of supporters who share our beliefs, and despite that you may feel that your one vote is insignificant, keep in mind that Adolph Hitler was elected in to office by only a few votes and changed the course of history.

       Don't let your right to vote go wasted! I urge you to register immediately as an Independent, and help shape the State, Country and world that we live in.

       God bless you all.

Larry Jay Levine
Founder - California Felon Party