Denver, CO 9/29/2008 10:12:21 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Re-launching Truck Accident Injury Information Portal with Updated News and Information on the Costly and Dangerous Accidents

LegalView, the number one resource for everything legal on the Internet, recently announced the re-launch of the truck accident injury information portal. The updated information area will provide extensive articles and facts on truck accident injuries as well as how to obtain a truck accident attorney, should a truck accident lawsuit be considered an option for victims of a truck accident.

Truck accidents can occur at anytime, unfortunately, and may be due to errors in judgment while driving. The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) report that nearly 4,368 individuals died in 2007 because of severe truck accidents and an additional 136,438 individuals were involved in non-fatal truck accidents during that year as well. Individuals who were involved in a truck accident may be advised to consult a
truck accident law firm for help in finding a truck accident lawyer, who can provide valuable information.

In addition to the re-launch of the truck accident information portal, individuals can peruse the LegalView library of legal issues afflicting millions of Americans throughout the country including information on mesothelioma cancer as well as the latest on the two controversial type 2 diabetes drugs, Avandia and Byetta.

Mesothelioma cancer is an incurable form of lung cancer that is caused through the inhalation of asbestos fibers. Asbestos is derived from a mineral known as vermiculite, which was mined for centuries and prized during the 20th century in America for its fire retardant and less costly production features. It was implemented throughout the United States in the form of insulation and was used in the construction of homes, apartment buildings, universities, elementary schools, hospitals, office buildings and government buildings. Currently, thousands, if not millions of Americans remain at risk, many unknowingly. To learn more about mesothelioma cancer or how to find a
mesothelioma lawyer if diagnosed with the fatal condition, just visit

The two type 2 diabetes drugs, Avandia and Byetta, have been causing controversy and making news headlines for severe side effects associated with both prescription drugs. Avandia, from makers GlaxoSmithKline, has been available for type 2 diabetes patients for approximately 9 years and has been prescribed to millions of diabetic patients. In mid-2007, however, an article in The New England Journal of Medicine reported a severe link between consuming the drug and developing heart failure or cardiac arrest. Additionally, the drug was linked to early on-set osteoporosis and increased risk of bone fracture among patients as well. Individuals who have taken or currently consume Avandia for their diabetic condition and who may be at an increased risk for these
Avandia side effects should seek medical attention immediately.

Similar to Avandia is Byetta in that it is also a type 2 diabetes drug known to cause alleged risks. The injectable drug, manufactured by Amylin Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly became available for market in 2005. Only two years later the drug's use was called into question for alleged side effects associated with causing pancreatitis among patients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began receiving reports of Byetta patients developing pancreas-related conditions in October 2007. Then in August 2008, six patients were hospitalized because of
Byetta risks and of those six patients, two individuals died. Individuals are advised to speak with their physician if they have any concerns about developing pancreas-related conditions while consuming the diabetic drug.

About LegalView: is a public service brought to you by Legal WebTV Network, LLC, a Limited Liability Corporation created by a group of the nation's most highly respected law firms: Anapol Schwartz; Brent Coon and Associates; Burg Simpson; Cohen, Placitella and Roth; James F. Humphreys and Associates; Lopez McHugh; and Thornton and Naumes. For more information on the accomplishments and track records of's superior sponsoring law firms and to get in touch with LegalView attorneys, visit LegalView at