New York, New York 11/29/2010 5:32:56 PM
News / Law

Off-duty NYPD officer arrested after found boozed up, passed out in parked car.

NYPD Officer Anthony Rodriguez, 27, was suspended from the force after he was found passed  out behind the wheel parked in a no-standing zone near 183rd St. in the Bronx shortly before 3 a.m. on Thanksgiving, police said.

Rodriguez, who was the second off-duty NYPD officer collared for DWI this week, was behind the wheel with the keys were in the ignition. He refused a Breath-alyzer test, but was slapped with a DWI charge because officers noticed his speech was slurred and his eyes were bloodshot.

Rodriguez joined the force four years ago and was most recently assigned to work in the court system.