Brattleboro, Vermont 10/2/2008 10:55:34 PM
News / Business

Internet Marketing Guru plans Cross Country Run to fight Child Homelessness in America

Tellman Knudson of Overcome Everything Inc. is a living example of what his company stands for.  Four years ago he was working the night shift  at a bread factory just to stay afloat.  Today he is the CEO of Overcome Everything Inc.  an internet marketing company based in Brattleboro Vermont.   His was not an easy climb to success.  He started at least twelve other companies before Overcome Everything and each of them failed for one reason or other.  Overcome Everything would be different.  Founded in 2004 The company was launched on fifty dollars (the cost of a month of web hosting and access to an e-mail auto responder)  in the first year they  grossed over eight hundred thousand dollars.  Today Overcome Everything Inc. is a multimillion dollar company.   Knudson's passionate drive and inability to accept the words "I can't" have catapulted him to success.  Having achieved great success in business, now he is turning his focus on helping others.  He is planning to run across the country in an effort to raise $100,000,000 for homeless children in America.  He is the frst to admit that $100,000,000 (One Hundred Million Dollars) is a huge amount of money, Tellman's reaction... "The only way to succeed big is to aim high, so that is what I am doing."  Knudson and  Overcome Everything Inc are partnering up with Richard Branson's non-profit Virgin Unite to raise money to get homeless children off the streets for good.  Proceeds will go toward education, shelter, food and other services for the more than One Million Homeless children in the United States. Virgin Unite will take care of all of the administrative costs so that 100% of the proceeds go towards the cause.   

No Stranger to challenge himself, Tellman  was born with Femoral Antiversion.  His leg bones were twisted so that his feet met at 45-degree angles. He could barely walk without tripping over his own feet, but at age14, he decided to try out for the cross-country team. He didn't do well  but he didn't let that stop him. That year, he discovered running  helped him deal with "impossible problems" in his life, and the discipline of running 15 miles a day even pulled his feet around and healed his leg bones, permanently.  On March 1st 2009 Tellman will begin his 3000 mile run across the United States to eradicate child homelessness.  

Over one million young people in the US live on the streets, not by choice but because they believe they have no other choice. Many of them left their homes because of violence, abuse or neglect. Every day, they face starvation, despair and ever more abuse from adults who prey upon these kids who have no place to go. In fact, in America an alarming 13 homeless young people die alone on the streets every 24 hours. The enormity of this situation can make it seem like a "impossible problem" to conquer. But Tellman remembers what he did to solve "impossible problems" as a teenager himself…he ran. And now he has pledged to run again: this time to set a new "record": he wants to raise $100,000,000 (one hundred million) dollars through Virgin Unite and RE*Generation USA, while running coast to coast across America. The ultimate goal is to quickly and exponentially expand the number of children who will be able to get help rebuilding their lives and futures.
 For more information on Tellman's run across the country  and to get involved click HERE.  Do your part to make real change now.