Hollywood Florida 12/1/2010 12:19:47 AM
News / Sports

Andre Johnson and Cortland Finnegan fined

Andre Johnson and Cortland Finnegan were both fined $25,000 each for the fight that took place on the field Sunday.  The two will be expected to pay without being suspended.   The fight began when Finnegan jabbed Johnson in the neck and face mask at the line of scrimmage.  Johnson then ripped off Finnegan’s helmet and punched him a minimum of two times.  The two started to go at it until referees pulled them apart.

Johnson, Finnega"He kept doing little things and I told him: 'Just because you're frustrated, you need to stop what you're doing,' " Johnson said Sunday. "I guess he thought it was funny."

"Did I want it to escalate into that? Absolutely not," Finnegan said Monday on a Nashville radio show. "The only thing that upsets me ... if you reverse that and it's me, I'm not at the radio show. I'm sulking because I got a game suspension. But you twist it and it's because it's me."

The usually soft-spoken Johnson caught nine passes and a touchdown before being ejected.

"It's just a buildup of things over plays," Johnson said. "I just lost my cool."

"At a point, he snapped and started throwing blows," Finnegan said of Johnson.

Finnegan also said he was conscious not to throw punches at the Texans receiver. "You do that and you're suspended, hands down," he said Monday.

"At the end of the day, I guess he got his money's worth," Finnegan added.

Johnson apologized for his actions after the game.

"I would like to apologize to the organization, our owner, and my teammates," Johnson said. "What happened out there today was not me. I just lost my cool and I wish that I could take back what happened, but I can't. It's over and done with now."

This is the second time the pair has scuffled. Last season, Johnson was fined $7,500 for taking Finnegan to the ground by the face mask.

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