Houston 12/2/2010 12:34:20 AM
News / Education

Dhea Cream can help women feel Young and Sexy with Twist 25

Young and Sexy with Twist25 DHEA Cream

Medical research done by physicians at the University of Pennsylvania showed that women with low DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) are two times more likely to experience sexual dysfunction. Women participating in the study were given 50 mg per day of DHEA to determine the effects. Study participants experienced heightened sexual awareness, increased libido, increased sexual activity and increased sexual satisfaction. *

The reason - DHEA is a naturally produced base building block that allows production of 50 different hormones. After about age 25 we make less and less of it. Twist 25 DHEA cream is pharmaceutical grade bioidentical DHEA supplement. Women 35 and up should use Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream to maintain levels of DHEA.

Why? Because Twist 25 is a transdermal DHEA cream absorbed through the skin. The DHEA is gently absorbed through the skin. As it passes through the skin a small amount of intracellular testosterone is produced. This is the reason women notice they have more energy, better mood, mental sharpness and enhanced drive using Twist 25; and generally regain fitness, vitality and mood.

Transdermal delivery of DHEA is most beneficial because research shows the body metabolizes DHEA into many hormones in the skin; and when DHEA is taken as a pill most effective DHEA is removed by the first-pass effect of the liver.

Twist 25 was developed by a physician and a highly specialized compounding cream chemist to be the best quality DHEA cream available.

Twist 25 is helping thousands of people live happier healthier lives because DHEA is the natural building block for hormones. Hormones drive our lives – how we feel, energy, mood, how productive we are, and how we respond to our environment.

Clinical research shows DHEA increases women’s sexual desire. The New England Journal of Medicine featured a study showing that 50mg of DHEA a day increases sexual interest in women by 50%. Sexual thoughts and mental and physical satisfaction also increased.**

Twist 25 cream delivers pharmaceutical grade DHEA to the body where we use it – in the skin. If you’re 35 and up, rub- in 1 squirt morning and evening every day for 3 weeks and you will actually feel the many health benefits. Twist 25 also contains vitamin E, Co-enzyme Q-10, Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils - all ingredients that support good health.

Try DHEA the right way. When you feel your best you look your best. Feel young and sexy with Twist 25.

Order Twist 25 DHEA cream online at www.Twist25.com

Health2Go, Inc.

Houston, Texas





*Penn Ovarian Aging Study, Clarisa R. Garcia, MD, MSCE, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Pgs 14a-14d.

**Arlt W, Callies F, van Vlijmen JC, Koeler, Reincke M, Bidlingmaier M, Huebler D, Oettel M, Ernst M, Schulte HM, Allolio B “Dehydroepiandrosterone Replacement in Women with Adrenal Insufficiency” New England Journal of Medicine. Vol 341:1013-1020. Sept 30, 1999

Michele G. Sullivan. “Study of Premenopausal Women: Low DHEA-S Levels Strongly Tied to Low Libido”. OB-Gyn News, August 15, 2004.

Garcia, ClarisaR. M.D., MSCE; “Hormones and Sexuality During Transition to Menopause”. Obstetrics and Gynecology: April 2007 – Vol 109, Issue 4, pp 831-840.

Block, Will ”DHEA Improves Sex and Helps Keep Women in Love” Life-Enhancement.  June 1, 2000