New York 12/2/2010 2:52:11 PM
News / Education

How to Get High-Frequency Trading Right First Time

How to Get High-Frequency Trading Right First Time

Golden Networking is hosting its monthly High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour (, next Tuesday December 7th, at exclusive La Barrique in Midtown Manhattan. Kicking off the networking, Golden Networking’s founder, Edgar Perez, will moderate the panel “How to Get High-Frequency Trading Right First Time”, with Adam Afshar, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hyde Park Global Investments, Milind Sharma, Chief Executive Officer, QuantZ Capital Management, and Peter van Kleef, Chief Executive Officer, Lakeview Arbitrage.

Mr. Afshar is Hyde Park Global’s President and Chief Executive Officer. He has over two decades of financial industry experience including 12 years at Bear Stearns where he was a Managing Director, overseeing long/short multi asset portfolios for both onshore and offshore clients. Hyde Park Global Investments is a 100% robotic investment and trading firm based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The system is built primarily on Genetic Algorithms (GA) and other Evolutionary models to identify mispricings, arbitrage and patterns in electronic financial markets. Additionally, Hyde Park Global Investments has developed programs applying natural language processing and sentiment analytics to trade equities based on machine readable news. Hyde Park Global employs no analysts, portfolio managers or traders, ONLY scientists and engineers. Mr. Afshar has a BA in Economics from Wofford College and received his MBA from the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business.

Mr. Sharma is Chief Executive Officer, QuantZ Capital Management. He ran the LTMN desk in Global Arbitrage & Trading at RBC where he served as Portfolio Manager for Quant EMN, Short Term & Event Driven portfolios [upto $700mm gross]. In his capacity as Director & Senior Proprietary Trader at Deutsche, he managed Quant EMN portfolios of significant size & contributed to the broader prop mandate in Cap Structure Arb & with LBOs. Prior to that he was co-founder of Quant Strategies (previously R&P) at BlackRock (MLIM), where his investment role spanned a dozen quantitatively managed funds & separate accounts with approx $30B in AUM pegged to the models. Prior to MLIM, he was Manager of the Risk Analytics and Research Group at Ernst & Young LLP where he was co-architect of Raven (one of the earliest derivatives pricing/ validation engines) & co-created the 1st model for pricing cross-currency puttable Bermudan swaptions.

Mr. van Kleef is Chief Executive Officer, Lakeview Arbitrage, and Partner, Lakeview Capital Market Services. Priorly, Mr. van Kleef managed significant hedge fund type investment portfolios and quantitative trading departments for, among others, Cooper Neff, Salomon Brothers, HypoVereinsbank and Credit Lyonnais. He has over 15 years of experience in the development and running of sophisticated automated trading operations. Mr. van Kleef holds an MBA degree from the Owen Graduate School at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA. He is a frequent speaker on complex arbitrage strategies with a focus on volatility arbitrage and high frequency algorithmic trading.

High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour is produced by Golden Networking (, the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs, investors and diplomats, founded by former McKinsey consultant and Columbia Business School MBA Edgar Perez. Upcoming Golden Networking's Forums and Business Receptions include:

Public Finance Leaders Forum 2010, "How Private Funds Can Invest in Government-Owned Property and Public Projects" (, December 2nd, New York City

High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, (, December 7th, New York City

2nd Private Equity Leaders Forum, "Setting the Stage for Radical Transformation in 2011 and Beyond" (, December 9th, New York City

High-Frequency Trading Experts Workshop 2011 New York, "Practical Implementation of High-Frequency Trading Strategies" (, March 3 & 4, New York

High-Frequency Trading Experts Workshop 2011 Sydney, "Practical Implementation of High-Frequency Trading Strategies" (, March 14 & 15, Sydney

High-Frequency Trading Experts Workshop 2011 Singapore, "Practical Implementation of High-Frequency Trading Strategies" (, March 16 & 17, Singapore

High-Frequency Trading Experts Workshop 2011 Mumbai, "Practical Implementation of High-Frequency Trading Strategies" (, April 7 & 8, Mumbai

Golden Networking has compiled the insights of top experts and industry practitioners and produced DVD Video Packages for its Leaders and Experts Forums, including:

2nd China Leaders Forum DVD Video Package, "Is the Chinese Dragon Poised for Global Dominance or Economic Implosion?",

Distressed Investing Experts Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Analyzing and Valuing Distressed Companies, Securities and Real Estate",

Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Strategies for Increasing Profits under an Evolving Regulatory Framework",

High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Innovating and Profiting from High-Frequency Trading in 2010 and Beyond",

Hedge Funds Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Generating Alpha in Challenging Times",

High-Frequency Trading Experts Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Starting and Running a High-Frequency Trading Operation",

Distressed Investing Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Extraordinary Opportunities Investors Cannot Afford to Pass",

China Leaders Forum 2009 DVD Video Package, "Addressing the Challenges Posed by the Present Wave of Chinese Globalization",

Distressed Investing Leaders Forum 2009 DVD Video Package, "The Most Comprehensive Guide for Any Investor in Distressed Assets",

Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to Golden Networking has been frequently featured in the press, including recent articles in The Wall Street Journal, "Happy Hour for High-Frequency Trading", The New York Times, "Golden Networking Helps Job Seekers Make Overseas Connections", Los Angeles Times, "Speed-addicted traders dominate today's stock market", Reuters, "Revamp looms as trading experts huddle at SEC" and Columbia Business School's Hermes Alumni Magazine, "10 Under 10".

Edgar Perez
Golden Networking
New York, NY