Columbus 12/7/2010 1:01:26 AM
News / Law

College Football Bowl Schedule Announced

College football fans will have an exciting holiday season. College Bowl dates have been announced. There are fans who are disappointed by the match ups. Some teams that deserve more prestigious bowls have passed over for lesser games. There are many fans disappointed by the pairings. Teams who rank in the top ten are paired with teams ranked lower in the 25 seed or lower. With all the mismatching this bowl season prove to be anti-climactic for College Football fans and the teams. There are some games that will please those looking for an exciting game.

Winter’s frightful weather won’t keep football fans from going to their favored games. The holidays along with football playoff season for pros and college teams will undoubtedly be a time for lots of parties and drinking. The bars will be overflowing with football fans and holiday revelers. Many people will host tailgate parties. With so many celebrations underway, lots of alcohol will be consumed. When the games are over fans will pour out the bars and homes and some will drive while intoxicated. The police will amp up their efforts to keep the roads same from drunk drivers during this holiday and football season.

Football championship season is an exciting time for fans and loads of alcohol will be consumed. If enthusiasm has caused you to over-indulge and drive drunk you will need a DUI lawyer. Because alcohol can cause a person to have lowered inhibitions, you make think you aren’t too drunk to drive.  Should you make this mistake you must hire a DUI lawyer to get you through the harrowing process of a DUI conviction. Don’t let one mistake ruin the joy of football playoff season seek the help of a DUI lawyer who can assist in the reduction of fines and penalties