Saddle Brook 12/7/2010 6:12:24 AM
News / Business

NJ Based Web-Development Agency Launches 2011 Business New Year’s Resolution Contest

Hudson Horizons Launches its 2011 Business New Year's Resolution Contest

Top Web-Development and Internet Marketing Agency, Hudson Horizons is excited to announce that it has launched a 2011 Business New Year’s Resolution Contest to help encourage business owners to leverage the power of the internet in order to translate their business goals into realities.

Every New Year, adamant individuals desire to start anew and vow to dedicate time, effort and often money in order to achieve personal goals over the next twelve months.  This idea of starting off strong in the New Year has inspired top rated Web-Development Agency, Hudson Horizons to design a way for business owners to submit their business goals for 2011. Entries will illustrate how business owners, entrepreneurs and the like want to achieve their business goals for the chance to win one month of free Facebook Marketing valued at $2,000, in addition to a fully customized Facebook landing page.

Hudson Horizons’ 2011 Business New Year’s Resolution Contest was officially launched on December 1, 2010 and will end January 31, 2011.  Business owners are given the chance to submit their goals by visiting the Hudson Horizons Facebook fan page where they can enter their resolutions and means of achieving them. The grand prize, one month of free Facebook marketing, will leverage a business’ social media presence and will set them in the right direction for the New Year. Once an entry is submitted, business owners can invite friends and encourage others to vote for them in order to increase the odds of winning.  Ultimately, the team at Hudson Horizons will choose the winner based upon the most creative submission and the amount of public votes.

Hudson Horizons would like every business to know that they have the potential to succeed in the New Year and that social media is the necessary catalyst for their future business endeavors. The team at Hudson Horizons hopes to inspire businesses to participate in what is called a “social media revolution,” which is so eloquently explained by popular blogger, Seth Godin “How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?”

Hudson Horizons is happy to offer its services to one lucky winner for the purpose of establishing a greater social media experience for engaging new and preexisting clients in order to increase traffic, sales and leads for their business.

 What’s your 2011 Business New Year’s Resolution?