Lagos 12/8/2010 7:09:24 AM
News / Law

Former Vice President Dick Cheney Charged In 180 Million Dollar Bribery

Nigeria Charges Cheney With Bribery

The Government of Nigeria on Tuesday charged former Vice President Dick Cheney for his alleged involvement in a corruption scandal related to bribes totaling $180 million believed to have been paid to Nigerian officials by Halliburton, the company Cheney headed from 1995 to 2000. 

Although the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission investigated that joint venture extensively and found no suggestion of any impropriety by Dick Cheney in his role of CEO of Halliburton, the African country’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission is pursuing Cheney in connection with the crime.
Halliburton spinoff KBR pleaded guilty last year to claims that it bribed Nigerian officials. The company received contracts totaling $6 billion for a liquefied natural gas project in the Niger Delta. KBR and Halliburton
reached a $579 million settlement with the U.S. government.