Hangzhou, China, 12/9/2010 9:37:29 AM
News / Entertainment

EX RATED Disney Snow White Stories Rleased As Childrens Books In China

X-rated version of Disney classic has Snow White enjoying sexual romps with all seven dwarves

Somewhere in Hangzhou, China, there are dozens of children who believe Snow White is a tramp after erotic versions of the Disney Classic and other Brothers Grimm fairy tales were sold as children's literature after the books' publishers mistakenly translated explicit pornographic versions of the stories from Japanese.

The China Friendship Publishing Co. and China Media Time realized their blunder after receiving angry telephone calls from parents who had examined the books. At least 150 copies of the fairy tale porn were sold to unsuspecting customers before a recall notice was issued.

According to the China Global Times, "the X-rated version of Snow White has the title character enjoying sexual romps with all seven dwarves, as well her father."  When she dies after eating a poisonous apple, a necrophiliac Prince Charming falls in love with her corpse.

Executives at China Media Time, blamed the mistake on an inexperienced translator and stated, "We cannot read Japanese, so we cannot make a comparison, but we trusted the translator, who is a postgraduate student," they told the Zhejiang Morning Express.

Besides offending their readers, the publishers also committed plagiarism by attempting to pass off the erotic, Japanese text – written by Kiryu Misao - as their own, the Global Times reported.