Dyer, Indiana 12/10/2010 8:12:56 AM
News / Law

6 month Old Baby Boy Denied Life Saving Medical Treatment By State of Indiana

Six-month-old Seth Petreikis from Indiana needs life-saving surgery, but the state health care department -- whose budget was cut this year -- refuses to pay for it.

Petreikis has been diagnosed with complete DiGeorge syndrome, which keeps the six-month-old from developing a thymus, an infection-fighting glandular organ. To stay alive, he needs a transplant pioneered by a specialist at Duke University in North Carolina.  But the procedure costs in excess of $500,000, and Indiana's Family Social Services Administration won't pay for it under the state's Medicaid claiming that the treatment is "experimental" -- even though 58 of 60 children to receive it have survived.

Seth's parents have set up a fund for those who want to contribute to the cost of his treatment.