North Carolina 12/10/2010 8:34:32 AM
News / Law

Westboro Baptist Church To Protest At Elizabeth Edwards Funeral

The controversial Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church has made plans to dispatch members of its congregation to protest the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards. Edwards, the wife of former Senator John Edwards (D-NC) died on December 7th after fighting a long battle with breast cancer.

The Westboro church has generated controversy during military funerals of fallen servicemen with its confrontational and offensive demonstrations. "God Hates Fags" has become an unofficial calling card of the group, a phrase they say the world "needs to hear more than it needs oxygen, water and bread." Another Westboro sign, "Thank God For Dead Soldiers," is frequently displayed at military funerals and has generated its own share of outrage.

The group is said to be set carry signs at the funeral stating "Thank God for breast cancer"