Dortmund, Germany 12/11/2010 4:27:09 PM
News / Law

German City To Hit Prositutues With "Pleasure Tax" To Close Budget Deficit

The city of Dortmund in western Germany that is more than $100 million in the hole, is resorting to hitting prostitutes with "pleasure tax" in order to help close its massive budget deficit, and will begin requiring the city's hookers to buy an $8 pass for every day they work the streets or else face stiff fines.

"Dortmund has financial problems like many cities in Germany," city spokesman Michael Meinders told Reuters. "We considered several sex taxes but this was the most practical proposal." The city had originally sought to charge johns entering the red light district a few bucks, but the political leaders shot down that idea.

Prostitution is legal in Germany, and Dortmund isn't the first city to call for a vice tax. In 2004, Cologne introduced a $200 tax on sex workers and has a similar $8 pass for part-time streetwalkers.