Hemingfeld, England 12/11/2010 4:39:00 PM
News / Law

English Mother Breast Feeds Demanding Six-Year-Old Son

Amanda Hurst, 29, of Hemingfield, England, currently breast feeds both her sons, 5-month-old William and 6-year-old Jonathan, she revealed in an interview with the Daily Mail.

She tried to wean Jonathan off the habit at age 3 and on to a bottle but failed, she said

"I explained to him, 'This is the last time you can breastfeed," she told the paper. "He was like 'yeah, alright Mum,' and went to bed. When he came to feed in the night, I said, 'You're 3 now, you don't breastfeed, you're a big boy."

But Hurst reveals she herself didn't want to stop, and it was her husband who convinced her to continue.

The practice was sporadic for a few years and Hurst thought Jonathan was growing out of it -- until she had her second baby.

At that point, Jonathan began to demand breast milk more often to keep up with his infant brother.

"If you'd not had cake for three years and someone put a slice in front of you, you might want to have a bit," she said.