Fountain Valley 12/12/2010 7:02:14 AM
News / Politics

Obama Courts Martial Scheduled December 14, 2010

US Army puts senior military officer, Terry Lakin on trial for doing his job!

Arnie Rosner, Founder of Global-Rent-a-scope could no longer sit by and remain silent.  The US Army at the direction of the usurper Obama is trying Lt. Col. Terry Lakin  for simply doing part of his job. A job for which he was trained as a senior military officer.   

Arnie has decided to speak out in this forum since the US media has refused to reveal any of these activities in violation of the first amendment rights of free speech.  The media has conspired to apply censorship in the form of omissions of news items that may be seen as critical of the Obama administration.  

Arnie encourages all US businesses to also provide extra links to Internet based news services on their company websites.  Independent news services like the Post & Email in an effort to enhance the public's right to know!

The following is from some earlier pre-trial hearings.  links are furnished to provide more details. 

(Aug. 13, 2010) — General…

I, Carla Hawley-Bowland, having been appointed a  Major General in the U.S. Army under the conditions indicated in this document, do accept such appointment and do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.

Bring back memories?  Or have you forgotten…?

Are we to believe you swore this oath in good faith?  In honesty? In Truth?

Do you have the strength of character, the courage, the morality, the integrity and the ethics necessary to uphold this oath?

You realize, General, the Army is on trial here; not Lt. Col. Lakin.  From my personal point of view, General, I do not like what I am seeing!  So please tell me, General Hawley-Bowland, what exactly should we believe?


On another related matter:

The 111th Congress of the United States and the Obama administration has been increasingly active in attempting to implement procedures that do not appear to be in the best interest of the members of the armed forces.  more information is listed below: 

Congress: It will be on your heads!

Notice to Congress:
This is your crisis of the making!

  • Col Terry Lakin
  • Deprived of voting rights
  • Unjust persecution of military personnel on duty
  • Deprived of protection under the Geneva convention
  • Labels such as Homophobia
  • Why are known Terrorist tried under constitutional rights in a Civil Court, yet our military have no constitutional rights? Foreigners are granted more rights than American Citizens, from Amnesty to everything this Usurper imagines. 

It is hard to believe that our courageous men and women of our military are simply standing by idle when this long standing series of direct attacks against them is carried out by members of 111th Congress and the Obama administration. Attacks orchestrated in various forms of legislation and election abuses. Further, even more disturbing is the lack of support that appears to be missing by the senior officers.