Across America From Sea To Shining Sea 12/13/2010 10:56:34 AM
News / Law

Support Lt. Col Terry Lakin In His Battle To Protect And Defend The American People's Rights Under The Constitution

When Terry Lakin become a soldier, he took a solemn oath of office is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies foreign and domestic. God surely took notice of his oath and will judge him according to the integrity of his soul.

Millions of brave Americans also gave their lives for the freedoms that our Constitutional rule of law has provided, and has sustained us through the years as the greatest nation the world has ever seen. They also swore the same oath and their honor and integrity are intact without question. Let not their sacrifices be for naught.

Our brave men and women of the Armed Forces today go into harm's way without the assurance that the orders coming down the unified chain of command are legal and lawful, because there are lingering questions as to the eligibility of the Commander In Chief to issue them. One brave soldier, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, has tried to get an answer through normal military channels without success. He finally made the distasteful choice to invite his own court martial in order to get an answer to the question to finally put an end to the doubts and concerns of his fellow soldiers in arms. In this action he is doing exactly as he was trained to do.

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is an 18-year, highly-decorated Bronze Star recipient who served tours in Bosnia and Afghanistan, and has the support of three former Generals: Major General Jerry Curry, USA (ret.);  Major General Paul E. Valalley, USA (ret.); and  Lt. General Thomas McInerney, USAF  (ret.) submitted to the court an affidavit of support for discovery and a full hearing. In spite of the pleas from the generals, Lakin is being denied due process by Judge Lind who has ruled that Lakin cannot defend himself in any way whatsoever because she will not "embarrass the President" to show his vital records, and prove his eligibility under Article II, Section 1. As a result of that ruling Lt.Col. Terry Lakin faces years at hard labor because he might expose high treason against the people of the United States of America and the Constitution you swore to protect and defend.

If Obama is truly eligible to hold office, and can prove it with honor and integrity are intact, then he has done his duty to the American people that he serves, and the lingering doubts as to the lawfulness of orders coming down the unified chain of command will be validated. If, on the other hand, Obama cannot produce proof of eligibility, then he has exposed all  American to his acts of high treason and should be dealt with accordingly under the laws of our great nation. Just as Terry Lakin took his oath along with the courage and bravery of the millions who died to protect and defend our Constitution,  should he be prosecuted for exercising his right as a citizen for the way for the very freedoms we enjoy today.

Remember, if due process can be denied Lt. Col Terry Lakin, it can be denied you also.