London, England 12/15/2010 4:53:26 AM
News / Law

WikiLeaks Founder Returned To Jail After Bail Ruling Appealed

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, was returned to a London jail just hours after being granted bail pending an appeal over a decision to free him on 200,000 pound ($317,400) bail for alleged Swedish sex crimes.

British Crown Judge Howard Riddle, who had initially granted Assange bail, put a stay on the bail order after prosecutors, representing Swedish authorities challenged the decision before the 39-year-old Australian had left the court in central London.

"An appeal will be held within the next 48 hours and you will remain in custody," the judge told Assange, who nodded and said, "I understand," before being led from the dock by security guards.

Assange, who has spent a several days in solitary confinement in London's Wandsworth prison, is fighting attempts by the Swedish Government to extradite him to Sweden for questioning over claims of sexual misconduct made by two female WikiLeaks volunteers, accusations he denies. An extradition hearing is set for January 11.

Mark Stephens, a lawyer for Assange, accused Swedish authorities of persecuting him. "This is really turning into a show trial," he told reporters.