Pop diva Mariah Carey is expecting twins with her husband Nick Cannon. The couple who wed in 2008 had been dodging the pregnant question for a couple of months, the media has been speculating for a couple of months. On Thursday, the singer called to her husband’s radio show to confirm the rumors. The great surprise though is she will be having twins. For the 41 year old singer, and husband Nick, 11 years her junior, these babies will be their first. Carey joins the going trend of women who are giving birth in their forties.
Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Selma Hayek are just a few of the celeb moms that are having babies later in life. The rate women getting pregnant in their forties on average has risen 30%. For women having babies over the age 45 on average has risen 47%. There are a number of health risks women over forty faces with pregnancy. The chances of fetuses having chromosomal defects increase with mothers 40 and over. Women over 40 also have aesthetic concerns the skins elasticity and what pregnancy will do to their figures. The older you are the harder it is for the body to get back in shape.
For women who have had babies, returning to their pre-pregnancy figure can be extremely difficult. Liposuction can help women who have had babies eliminate troubling areas of fat. For many women, exercise can’t always target all the pockets of fat. When the dieting and work outs haven’t helped you can seek out other options. Many innovations in the plastic surgery industry make liposuction a safe procedure with a relatively quick recovery time. When the baby bump is gone and you still have baby lumps let liposuction help.