Los Angeles 10/17/2008 12:32:46 AM
News / Politics

Joe The Plumber Is A Liberty Nut?

If Dr. Martin Luther King was a Republican, there’s hope for the everyman in greater liberty and smaller government in 2009 in connectivity from the McCain - Palin Ticket.

We’re not talking Joe The Biden, we’re talking Joe the Everyman, who happens to be a working stiff, someone we can all relate to. Most important, it seems now -- finally -- that John McCain announces it in the last Presidential Debate.

It’s important to note that the observation of too large a government and other liberty mores and values did not come from the Obama - Biden Ticket, but from the McCain - Palin Ticket. Obama had uttered his own understanding and often led with it in his debate responses – you might say he led with his Left – but did not connect in his mention of America's agony and in bracing us for sacrifices to be made. That's leading with your left. The understanding of our liberty needs is not in identifying our agony or asking more of us, but in our freedom from government's solutions, the source of our agony.

If you put positive connectivity on the right, it’s much more recognized as the correct combination of conservative values and the ability to get it and to listen. If McCain is good at one thing important as a Maverick, its his ability to hear constituents, and that could translate into smaller government.

Americans are longing for cooperation from Congress, and most of that is smaller government, fewer hand-outs and less heavy-handedness in all things.

Understanding the way John McCain put it changed the entire complexion of the October 15th debate. Finally.

Good advice to both Senator McCain and Governor Palin is to be a nut about liberty. Between now and the election and for four years more, they have to run with it.

It’s what America has been waiting to hear.

Oh, and while you’re at it, make sure you mention that heads will roll in the financial scandal. We need that, too.

Get the rest at John Longenecker’s feature column, Good For The Country at GoodForTheCountry.com
