Too busy to check out where the best premium cigar deals are every day? has the solution. The "cigar deal-a-day" website is now introducing "MonsterMobile" alerts, an SMS (Short Message Service) for cigar smokers who want to stay up-to-date on the CigarMonster's daily specials.
To receive MonsterMobile alerts, cigar bargain hunters can register at the mobile sign-up page. The registration is free, and they'll receive a daily text message detailing each day's deal. All current MonsterMobile registrations will be valid from October 24th through October 31st, 2008.
"We wanted to start with just one week's worth of daily alerts," said Amber Davis, a marketing assistant at Famous Smoke Shop, which owns and operates "If there's enough interest in the MonsterMobile alerts, we'll continue the service indefinitely."
To celebrate this new service, Famous Smoke Shop will also be featuring a week's worth of unprecedented Halloween cigar specials during the October 24-31 MonsterMobile rollout.
Those interested in receiving MonsterMobile alerts can register by logging on to the MonsterMobile sign-up page, or they can text the word "cigar" to 38714. Registrants will start receiving their MonsterMobile alerts daily beginning at 9AM on October 24, 2008.