Los Angeles 10/23/2008 12:18:36 AM
News / Business

CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS Sells Liberty Titles In Bulk To Corporate Buyers.

Publisher CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS issues liberty titles suited for broad giveaway by Sponsors and Hosts of patriotic conferences, gift-with-purchase promotions, membership drives and fundraisers.

Contrast Media Press’s overall content is a heavy emphasis on American self-rule and citizen authority.

Publisher John Longenecker observes that tens of millions are already feeling the pressure of a bigger government, and they're saying so. It may be an opportunity for American Business and non-profits to take a position to respond by showing the path home again into more Independence and less official supervision. One way to do this, Longenecker mentions, is to add liberty books to the welcome packets of conference-goers to Freedom Events and other programs such as gift-with-purchase promotions.

"When you connect with your constituency of members or donors, it will be on shared values, of course," says Publisher John Longenecker. "But the message takes better when it is unabashedly clearer and committed. A free book can do that rather well."

Contrast Media Press offers a suite of custom fulfillment choices to suit the bulk buyer.

Longenecker believes a new movement will come alive in 2009 to re-assert citizen authority and reform the relationship between the government and the governed, and largely because all pro-liberty media – including books – will make a new connectivity to the home like never before.

Longenecker also looks forward to a new kind of Corporate Social Responsibility in America, one where Business welcomes patriotic thought leaders for its own idea of social responsibility.

CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS's website is their Corporate Accounts Page.