New York, NY 10/23/2008 3:01:37 AM
News / Education

New Employment Lawyer Videos Released by Lawyer Central

Lawyer Central is pleased to announce the release of new employment law videos featuring New Jersey employment lawyer Kevin Costello. There are now over 60 legal videos in Lawyer Central’s Employee Issue Resource Center.

The new high resolution, professional quality employment lawyer videos cover a variety of employment topics, including workplace discrimination, whistleblower cases, workplace harassment, illegal job interview questions, employer’s obligations, work injury and rights, non compete agreements, and more. In a video entitled “Proof Needed in Employee Issue Cases,” attorney Kevin Costello explains, “I often get clients asking me how much proof do I need; it’s just my word against his. That’s fine because that’s what evidence is. Evidence is documents, evidence is conversations, and if you’re believable and trustworthy, the fact that you’re the only witness to your harassment or discrimination doesn’t prevent you from bringing a claim, doesn’t block your access to a jury trial, and it won’t stop me from helping you.” The videos offer legal insight and information that can help you determine whether your employment rights have been violated and, if so, what your legal options are.

In addition to an extensive employment law legal video section, the Employee Issue Resource Center features information on several employee issue subjects, official links, national employee issues news, and more. Visit and select Employee Issue to view Lawyer Central’s Employee Issue Resource Center and view legal videos.  

If you are seeking an employment lawyer to represent your employee issue case , you can complete a free employment case evaluation and receive a response from an experienced attorney within 24 hours. Ask questions and get advice about discrimination, harassment, overtime pay, and other employee issues on Lawyer Central’s free legal forum.

About Lawyer Central

The Lawyer Central Network is an exclusive nationwide network of attorneys highly dedicated to their unique areas of practice, including employment law. Lawyer Central is emerging as the leading public relations and mixed media marketing organization for fast-growing law firms and forward-thinking attorneys. Lawyer Central membership includes a variety of media exposure ranging from practice area video filming, through interviews and complete public relations and internet relations management.