Atlanta, Ga. 10/24/2008 9:28:29 PM
News / Law

McCain Supporter Reportedly Robbed, Attacked by Obama Supporter

A Pittsburgh woman reported to police that she was robbed at knife point while standing at an ATM machine and when the attacker noticed a John McCain campaign sticker on her car he began to beat her and carved the letter “B” on her face.


Ashley Todd, 20, told police she was attacked on Wednesday evening but according to investigators there appear to be several inconsistencies in her account. Todd is still being treated as a victim while police review surveillance video.


Todd has been interviewed several times and reportedly has given different accounts of what happened.


While she initially reported the attacker took $60 from her during the assault she later said she wasn’t sure if the robber took the money but that the cash was missing. She has told police she lost consciousness during the robbery and that was when the attacker left the “B” mark on her face.


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