The commander continued, “All for what ... to continue protecting a usurper in the White House, a man of questionable legal identity who refuses to produce any paper copies of his early life documents to be able to once and for all conclusively prove his true legal identity to a controlling legal authority such as a court of law or Congress. And people have good reason to be concerned about where Obama really was physically born, and not just falsely registered as being born in Hawaii by his maternal grandmother back in 1961 to get her new grandson Citizenship, because she could easily do it back then with a mail-in form and no witnesses with the lax birth registration laws in Hawaii."
Kirchner continued, “There is much doubt. Obama's paternal family and newspaper and government officials in Kenya have stated many times that Obama was actually born there. Even Obama's exact date of birth statement in the likely false registration of birth in Hawaii is questionable.”
The commander concluded with, “Terry Lakin has been dismissed from the Army for standing up for the Constitution without any pay or benefits to support his family while he is imprisoned for six months. Open your heart and wallet and donate to help Terry Lakin and his family during this six month time of need.”
See online interview here
For more details on col. Terry Lakin's story click here.
TCDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lehigh Valley PA USA