Atlanta, Ga. 10/28/2008 2:29:08 AM
News / Business

Post Classified Listings for Free, Find Buyers for Your Electronics, Collectibles, Jewelry and More on YourFindit Classifieds

Online classified listings have become one of the most popular methods in which individuals can market the items they are trying to sell. By posting a classified listing you can quickly attract buyers from all over the world and increase the likelihood of moving the item you are trying to sell, catch the attention of an individual looking for homes for sale, rental properties or in need of a roommate, or you could even let people know what it is your looking for through a personal listing. These options are among the opportunities offered on YourFindit Classifieds, a free service for online classified listings.


Creating an account and posting classified ads on YourFindit enable an individual to include a detailed description of the item, pictures of the item, a start date and end date for the sale, location of the item as well as a link directing buyers to other classified listings you have posted.


YourFindit Classifieds breaks classified listings into categories ranging from autos and electronics to housing and personals with just about everything in between. This ensures your listings are placed in an area where your items are easily found by those searching for them.


With the holiday season right around the corner now is the perfect time to post classified listings for items like XBox 360, PlayStation 3, and the Nintendo Wii as well as the video games that go along with them; the latest cell phones and blackberries like the Apple iPhone 3G or the Blackberry Pearl; DVDs of the latest movies and television series and so much more.


For those with an existing account through YourFindit, or its parent company TransWorldNews, you can sign in to YourFindit Classifieds with the same username and password as all internal sites on YourFindit recognize your username and password, eliminating your need to create numerous accounts.


Post your classified ads at:


To further enhance your classified listings you can also join the community networking site on YourFindit in which you can provide detailed information about yourself as well as direct visitors to your classified listings. As part of your profile you can upload photos and videos, post blogs, create a network of friends and buyers and more.


As a unique feature to the community networking surge on the Internet, YourFindit provides members with the opportunity to control the advertising that appears on their pages. Members have the option of selecting the ADit feature when they create their profile and that will afford them the opportunity to post their own ads and banners, directing visitors to a designated URL of their choice. These banners can be changed and will appear on each of the pages that exist through your profile. This allows you to constantly advertise new listings at anytime.


About YourFindit


YourFindit Community is a business, music and social networking community. It caters to individuals providing them with a wealth of tools that enable them to create their own web site within YourFindit and display their content. Members can create free profiles that include an About Me, Background and Lifestyle, Videos, Music, Blogs, Photos, their unique URL and network with other members inside the community. YourFindit provides each member the opportunity to reserve an exclusive profile displaying only ads they upload on their pages. Members have the right to sell their ad space to advertisers.


To create your profile sign up and within minutes you too can have your People profile running your ads and building your network with new members daily.